JUNE 26-27 Summer Gospel Popshop - Session 1
Saturday June 26th
Sunday June 27th
(Central Standard Time)
12PM - 12:50PM - (MOVEMENT/BREATHING) Gospaerobics (Tashielle "Miss T" Gooley)
1PM - 3PM - (SINGING) The Gospel According to Nigeria (Olaolu Lawal)
3:30PM - 4:20PM - (SINGING) Gospel Choral Exercises (Lonnie Norwood)
4:30PM - 5PM - (SPECIAL TOPIC) A Candid Conversation on African American Vernacular English (AAVE) (Lonnie Norwood)
5PM-6PM Dinner Break
*6PM - 7:15PM (SOLOISTS' SEMINAR, All singers invited to observe) Vocal Coaching (Monica Perdue)
12PM - 12:50PM - (MOVEMENT/BREATHING) Gospaerobics (Tashielle "Miss T" Gooley)
1PM - 2:15PM - (SINGING) Gospel Songs that Emerged from Black Folk Spirituals (Lonnie Norwood)
2:30PM - 3:45PM - (SINGING) Rare Freedom Songs Inspired by the Black Church (Lonnie Norwood)
3:45PM - 4PM -- Group Reflections
*Updated 06/20/2021
JULY 24-25 Summer Gospel Popshop - Session 2
Saturday July 24th
Sunday July 25th
(Central Standard Time)
12PM - 12:50PM - (MOVEMENT/BREATHING) Gospaerobics (Tashielle "Miss T" Gooley)
1PM - 2:00PM - (HISTORY) Lyrical Structure in Gospel Music (Eric Maurice Clark)
2:15PM - 3:30PM - (SINGING) Hymn Choir Tradition Fun!
*4PM-5PM - Vocal Coaching Session for Soloists ( Based on sign-up, Monica Perdue)
12PM - 12:50PM - (MOVEMENT/BREATHING) Gospaerobics (Tashielle "Miss T" Gooley)
1PM - 2PM - (SINGING) Black Women Composers Rock! Some Pioneering Women of Gospel (Lonnie Norwood)
2:30PM - 3:45PM - (SPECIAL TOPIC) Teaching the Integrated Gospel Choir (Karen Burke)
3:45PM - 4PM - Closing Group Reflections
Schedule apt to change slightly
August 21-22 Summer Gospel Popshop - Session 3
Saturday August 21
Sunday August 22
(Central Standard Time)
12PM - 12:50PM - (MOVEMENT/BREATHING) Gospaerobics (Tashielle "Miss T" Gooley)
1PM - 2PM - (SINGING) Gospel Choral Exercises (Lonnie Norwood)
2PM - 2:50PM - (SINGING) Songs Grandma Sang & More! (Lonnie Norwood)
3PM - 4:15PM - (HISTORY) Lyrical Structure in Gospel Music (Eric Maurice Clark)
4:15PM - 5:15PM - (SINGING) Black Women Composers Rock! Some Pioneering Women of Gospel (Instructor TBA)
5PM-6PM - Dinner Break
*6PM - 7:15PM (SOLOISTS' SEMINAR, All singers invited to observe) Vocal Coaching (Felicia Coleman-Evans)
12PM - 12:50PM - (MOVEMENT/BREATHING) Gospaerobics (Tashielle "Miss T" Gooley)
1PM - 2PM - (SINGING) Gospel Songs that Evolved from Black Folk Spirituals (Lonnie Norwood)
2PM - 2:30PM - (SPECIAL TOPIC) A Candid Conversation of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) (Lonnie Norwood)
2:30PM - 3:45PM - (HISTORY) Chicago Gospel According to "The Ship" (Fellowship MB Church) (Felicia Coleman-Evan & Dr. Lou Della Evans-Reid)
3:50PM - 4:50PM - (SINGING) Island Soul Gospel! (Instructor TBA)
4:50PM - 5PM -- Group Reflections
Schedule apt to change slightly
Lonnie Norwood, Jr.
Singer/Songwriter/Educator/Founder & Director of Audacious Praise, INC.
1. Songs Grandma Sang & More! (June, July, August)
2. Rare Freedom Songs out of the Black Gospel Church (June & July)
3. Black Women Composers Rock! (July & August)
Songs Grandma Sang & More is a gospel repertoire potpourri of traditional songs, and the songs that evolved from them. We will explore folk spirituals, hymn choir traditions, black church songs, and modern gospel anthems that will leave you with a greater glimpse into the vast collection of gospel music!
Rare Freedom Songs will explore lesser known freedom/protest music of the American Civil Rights Movement that was adapted straight from the black gospel church. Great class to take if you're looking to strengthen your understanding of freedom songs, the black church as an agent of social justice, and if you're a music educator in search of
Black Women Composers' Rock! Performing the compositions of pioneering women composers of gospel music, with a special focus on Lucie Campbell, Roberta Martin, Dorothy Love Coates, Doris Akers, and Dr. Mattie Moss Clark.

Tashielle "Miss T" Gooley
1. Gospaerobics
Gospel music feeds the mind, body, and soul, making it in its own right a practice in being wholly well. Body engagement, a gospel essential, is one of the best ways to activate wellness. Join our fierce instructor Miss T for some moving and grooving to some of the best contemporary and inspirational gospel songs ever written!
Miss T is an elementary school instructor in dance, a choreographer/instructor with Chicago dance company Praize Productions, INC., and is currently working on her Master's in Early Childhood Education at Illinois State University. Miss T successfully launched ChicaGO REACH Gospel Workshop's 1st Gospaerobics online program. We are happy to have her continue in the groove!
Offered in all three sessions!

Felicia Coleman-Evans
Soprano/Conductor/Vocal Coach
1. Vocal Coaching (for singers interested in solo exploration)
2. Chicago Style Gospel According to "The Ship" (The Legendary Fellowship MB Church Chicago)
Critically acclaimed vocalist Felicia Coleman-Evans will be offering masterclasses for soloists in gospel music, and sharing a table talk on her roots upbringing, known as one of the most influential contributors to the Chicago gospel music soundtrack, The Ship choral experience.
Both courses offered in August

Dr. Lou Della Evans-Reid
Legendary Choral Director of Fellowship "The Ship" Chicago/Choral Clinician
1. Chicago Style Gospel According to "The Ship" (The Legendary Fellowship MB Church Chicago
Known affectionately as "Mama Lou", Dr. Evans-Reid helped to define the Chicago gospel style with her electrifying directing, her commanding presence, and her heart of full display for the Lord1 Hear her rich and storied background as she shares musical gems with her daughter-in-law, soprano Felicia Coleman-Evans.
Offered in August

Eric Maurice Clark
Author/Historian/Singer/Editor-in-Chief of the Coffee Table Magazine
1. Lyrical Structure of Gospel Music
Lyrical depth in gospel music simply can't be overlooked, lest you miss an important historical piece of the African American experience. Gospel historian Eric Maurice Clark joins us for a table talk to explore the important role of primitive Black religious composers (such as Charles Albert Tindley) and how they influenced the lyrical structure of gospel music
Offered in July and August

Karen Burke
Director and Co-Founder of the Toronto Mass Choir
1. Gospel Conversations With Karen
Karen Burke, with her husband, Oswald, co-founded the amazing Toronto Mass Choir. An accomplished musician, conductor, singer, and songwriter, she took her talents beyond church venues to academia, developing Canada's first post-secondary gospel curricular courses where she teaches at York University. There, she established the 100-voice York University Gospel Choir. In 2006, Burke established G.I.V.E. (Gospel Inter-Varsity Explosion), which is an annual gospel music festival to educate, encourage and showcase gospel choirs at post-secondary institutions.
Karen will share in her PopShop session her passion for music ministry, curriculum development, and bringing gospel music to integrated ensembles.
Offered in July only

Monica Perdue
Music Educator/Soprano
1. Vocal Coaching
Monica Perdue was raised on Chicago’s south side and educated in the Chicago Public Schools for 20 years. She began her career as a vocal instructor and assistant conductor at The Choir Academy of Chicago Children’s Choir. Her experiences since then have spanned Kindergarten through 8th Grade classrooms, teaching general education, humanities, general music and vocal/choral music. She has cultivated partnerships with arts organizations including the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Disney Musicals in Schools, The Goodman Theatre and Joffrey Ballet. Monica is also an accomplished vocalist who has made music with legends such as Kathleen Battle, Leona Mitchell, Donnie McClurkin, Fred Hammond, Dr. Roland Carter and Maestro Ricardo Muti. She currently teaches choral and general music at Providence Englewood Charter School.
We are so blessed to have Monica bring her wealth of experience and talent into our vocal coaching seminar for soloists.
Offered in July

Olaolu Lawal
1.The Gospel According to Nigeria
Multidimensional, multitalented Olaolu Lawal will be sharing his Nigerian-Yoruba roots through the original and traditional sacred songs of his heritage. Olaolu is a fantastic singer, dancer, drummer, and composer, and is currently working on his PhD in ethnomusicology at Norwegian University of Science and Technology under the supervision of Thomas Hilder, Abimbola Adelakun and Gediminas Karoblis. Get ready to see, hear, and feel how gospel music connects to West African musical traditions and seamlessly blend as one.
Offered in August